Sleep Apnea Test

Rahul Shivkumar's profile picture
Rahul Shivkumar
Jan 16, 20234 min read

Sleep Apnea Test

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, which can lead to a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. One of the most effective ways to diagnose sleep apnea is through a sleep apnea test, which can be done at home or in a sleep lab.

A sleep apnea test, also known as a polysomnogram (PSG), is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that measures various physiological parameters during sleep, including brain activity, eye movement, muscle tone, heart rate, and breathing. The test is usually done overnight in a sleep lab, where a sleep technician will attach a variety of sensors to the patient's head, chest, and legs. The patient will then be asked to sleep as normal, while the sensors record their physiological activity.

The results of a sleep apnea test can provide important information about the patient's sleep patterns, including the number of apneas (pauses in breathing) and hypopneas (shallow breathing) per hour of sleep, the duration of each apnea or hypopnea, and the patient's oxygen saturation levels. This information can be used to determine the severity of the patient's sleep apnea and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.

There are different types of sleep apnea tests available, including:

  • In-lab sleep study: This test is conducted in a sleep lab, where the patient is monitored overnight by a sleep technician. It is considered the gold standard for sleep apnea testing and is typically recommended for patients with moderate to severe symptoms.
  • Home sleep apnea test (HSAT): This test is conducted at home, using a portable device that the patient wears overnight. The device measures the patient's oxygen saturation levels, heart rate, and breathing patterns. It is typically recommended for patients with mild to moderate symptoms or for those who are unable to travel to a sleep lab.
  • Both in-lab and home sleep apnea tests are considered effective for diagnosing sleep apnea, but the in-lab test is more comprehensive and may be more accurate for patients with severe symptoms.
  • If the results of the sleep apnea test indicate that the patient has sleep apnea, the next step is to develop an appropriate treatment plan. The most common treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which involves wearing a mask over the nose or mouth while sleeping. The mask is connected to a machine that delivers a steady stream of air, which helps to keep the airway open and prevent pauses in breathing.

Other treatment options include:

  • Oral appliances: These are specially designed devices that are worn in the mouth to help keep the airway open while sleeping. They are typically recommended for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea.
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove excess tissue from the airway or to reposition the jaw or tongue. This option is typically recommended for patients with severe sleep apnea who do not respond to other treatments.
Check Your Mental Health Quality
How Is Your Sleep?Very poor
How often do you feel worry?Very often


Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. A sleep apnea test is an effective way to diagnose the condition and to develop an appropriate treatment plan. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, it is important to speak with your doctor about getting a sleep apnea test. With the help of a sleep apnea test, you can get the treatment you need to improve your sleep and your overall health.

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Fill out Dawn Health’s questionnaire to get started with CBT-I right from your computer — no in-person visits necessary. Quality, natural sleep is possible when you embark on a CBT-I treatment journey.

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Rahul Shivkumar

Software Engineer & Sleep Enthusiast

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